Friday, October 14, 2016


Assalamualaikum. Today I am going to talk about a statement by a 23 year veteran academician Prof Dr. Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi. He who teaches architecture at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, wrote his views in his article, “The latest incident about BFM newsreader being threatened with death, rape and being burnt alive by those I assume to be Malay-Muslim netizens brings forth serious question for this country. Is this country safe for our children to live in? If a simple point is raised against such issue as Hudud or even such issue as democracy and clean elections can produce outburst of murder, rape and burning people alive, what does it say about our country, its citizens and our leadership.” (Speak Up, theSun, March 26, 2015).
This quote is a respond to the death and rape threat towards his daughter, Aishah Tajuddin after she sparked a sensitivity issue on the BFM’s video titled “Hudud Isi Periuk Nasi? [Kupas]” which have caused a rage among Muslim and Malay people in Malaysia. In the video his daughter is the presenter where she questions the Government of Kelantan about their ongoing fight for Hudud while the state suffers from homelessness because of flood, pornography issues, drug and divorce cases. She also said that the government politicize religion to distract the people of Kelantan from important issues. she added. She said “People argue over race and religion while the country’s economy is declining. Our debts go up instead.” And then she continue with an offensive comment “When the time comes, I don’t know if Hudud can fill our rice bowls,”.
Personally I think the Professor is trying to defend his own daughter after being threatened by Malay-Muslims communities . It is right to defend his daughter’s honor after being criticized and threatened. He is shocked with the attitude of some of the Malay people who threatened to kill, rape and even burn her alive. It is true that Some of the Malay people are so quick to make such threats in which we wonder how safe it is to live in our community nowadays. Some people may point the Muslim-Malay for being an extremist because of such behavior. Even i agree with the professor’s perspective by just looking at the statement of the professor which he said that even when someone criticize about important issues, they quickly receive grave threats. This shows how we particularly Malay people need to stop behaving like this. It is not wrong to criticize about something if it could lead to a greater improvements but not offending other people or breaking any moral or religious code . Even the great caliph of Islam Sayidina Umar Al-Khattab accept criticism and make full use of it. If we as a Malaysian like to criticize, then it is also a good indication that Malaysian people are the type of people who like to use their brain to think critically and use their freedom of speech to criticize and speak out.
However, it is not that simple in the case of Aisyah Tajuddin. If we take a closer look at the controversial BNF video, Aisyah Tajuddin did criticize about the government who was focusing too much on the issue of Hudud but neglecting other important issues such as homelessness because of flood, pornography issues, drug and divorce cases. But, the she did not only criticize but she make fun of the words “iman”. In the video she playfully sing a famous Malaysian nasheed “ Iman adalah mutiara ”. To non-muslim this may not be a big deal but the Muslim people like me however, we are very sensitive about the dignity of our religion such as the word “iman”. Of course we are offended by the way she seems to make fun of it. And then Aisyah Tajuddin said “When the time comes, I don’t know if hudud can fill our rice bowls,” and she continue with a gimmick where she trying to open a nasi lemak but it is empty in it and she says “no nasi lemak? but wait we have hudud”. This is clear as crystal that her action is offending and ridicule the law of Hudud. I understand that she is trying to claim that the government is neglecting the social problems of Kelantanese but focusing too much on Hudud Issue. However, by being cynical toward The law Of Hudud is unacceptable. Amongst all the religions in the world, Muslims have a deep connection with their religion. They love their religion. How can we Muslim-Malay who love their religion so much can just stand still and not reacting. Of course we feel very angry because Aisyah Tajuddin is provoking the Malay through that ignorant of a video. If we insult any religion and its sensitivity, of course they will react with hostile.
Now back to what the professor said If a simple point is raised against some issues and it can produce outburst of murder, rape and burning people alive, what does it say about our country, its citizens and our leadership?. It is true that we cannot act without thinking rationally and we cannot respond on something with hostility without carefully think and understand the issue. I agree that Malay people sometimes can be stubborn and narrow-minded because they can be so quick to judge. Unlike in developed civilization such as the Japanese, they are very modest, patient yet sharp in making decisions. Even in Malay culture we are encouraged to have these qualities so that we can prosper even in a multicultural society. I am a Malay person. One thing about The Malays are that they have “temperamental” habits. They being serious on something by season.. They are prone to respond to seasonal issues but neglect the ongoing issue happening around them. If a “hot” issue occur, they are so quick to react and then forgot about other important issues around them. Seasonal and ongoing issues must both be in consideration. The Malay also loves political sectors that comes and goes but neglect the economic sectors that must be passed down from generation to generation. This is why temperamental habits is the factor for the Malay to be unable to successfully solve any issue and conflict. When new problem rises, we will forgot the older one and in time another problem come and come and come and the next generation will inherit heap of problems. We need think and find the truth of something before quickly believe something . Don’t show others that Malay people have limited perspectives. Look at some of Malay student in universities. When there are propaganda to demolish study loan and promote free education, the Malay unite in glory to support the propaganda but when it comes to academic performance, it’s doesn’t look glorious at all. Lazy and not united. Only study when the exams is around the corner. Just look at our leaders today. Not all of them are bad. But some are just completely undependable. Putting up unnecessary projects that costs a lot of money. Choosing an assertive and brilliant leader like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad is very crucial if we really do want to solve this problems. But leader is not enough. We as a Malay community must make an effort to change our self so that we can become a competitive and intellectual race. To the uneducated people who put together the elements of provocation in their motives and action, they need to understand that they can’t expect any people of any group to react without hostility if they are offended. From my perspectives it is the person who provoking or support the provocation are more guilty and should be accused for being uncivilized. If we all respect each other while think rationally, we can live in in harmony as Malaysian.

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