Friday, October 14, 2016


I do believe that life is a mere illusion and just like the world is a stage as we use it as a stepping stone for a showcase of our talents. Let’s take a look at our life. When we first step into school and education stage we are told by our elders to learn as best as we can while aiming for straight A’s. We were also told that we need to score good grades because we have to go to college and university. When we were asked why we need to sacrifices our blood and sweat to fund our way to college and university, we would say “we need to go to college to get a good job”. And when asked why we need a job? we would say “ for money “. There you go! we said money!. Money is one of the greatest illusion of life. Sometimes I wonder how much in our life do we dedicate to pursue more and more money and how much time do we really spend enjoying the fruits of our labor? “Not much” I would say. There are people who never satisfied with their income even if the money they make is 40 times larger than the amount of money ordinary people get. We want to obtain more money and spend it on many things to keep ourselves satisfied. But the thing is we are never satisfied. Ask yourself this, where are all those money and wealth that we spent our lifetime collecting would go when we are gone. But in the end all of these will not follow us when were gone from the world. That’s the illusion of material, one of the illusion of life.
I also believe that the world is a stage as we use it as a stepping stone for a showcase of our talents. If we live in a life and just died for nothing seems like it’s a waste of time right? Well that is where the sentence “Life is a mere illusion and just like the world is a stage as we use it as a stepping stone for a showcase of our talents” comes. Yes that’s right. What does it mean by stepping stone for a showcase of our talent means? Basically it means that we live in this world for a purpose and it is not what we have in our worldly life that is valuable but what we do is what counts. We as a human have our physical body. But our consciousness is what we call soul. Basically worldly materials feed the body but our soul need something special. Something that is untouchable like emotion such as the feeling of love, to be loved, and the most crucial in our existence is the reliance on God. As a human, it is normal that we depend on someone else. The ultimate dependency is towards God where from the earliest human until now believe in the existence of a creator where we pray, depended on, confess our feelings and share our joy and grief. The belief and reliance on God is what makes us to live in this world without the feelings of wastefulness. We believe that there will be another life where we will meet our Creator. That’s why people said that the world is a stepping stone for a showcase of our talents because we live in this world strive by our actions and our heart to please our Creator in the afterlife. If we don’t have the faith on God, we would say “Need money for college, need college for job, need job for money”. But, if we have the faith on God we would say “ need college to use knowledge for a greater good, need job for money, and need money to sustain life and helping people”.

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